- A Canorous Quintet
- Abbath
- Abigail
- Abiotic
- Abominable Putridity
- Abomination
- Aborted
- Abramelin
- Absu
- Abuser
- Abysmal Dawn
- Abysmal Lord
- Accept
- Accidental Suicide
- Acephalix
- Acheron (Australia)
- Acheron (US)
- Acid Witch
- Adramelech
- Aetheria Conscientia
- Afflicted
- Afterbirth
- Afterlife
- Agalloch
- Aggression
- Agonized
- Agressor
- Ahab
- Airborne
- Akhlys
- Akitsa
- Alcatraz
- Alchemist
- Alice Cooper
- All Else Failed
- All Shall Perish
- Altar
- Amen Corner
- An Abstract Illusion
- Anaal Nathrakh
- Anal Vomit
- Analepsy
- Anasarca
- Anathema
- Anatomia
- Anciients
- Angel Sword
- Angelmaker
- Angelus Apatrida
- Angerot
- Anthrax
- Antropomorphia
- Aposento
- Appalling Spawn
- Arch Enemy
- Archgoat
- Archspire
- Armored Saint
- Armory
- As Serenity Fades
- Aseitas
- Asesino
- Ashcloud
- Ashen
- Ashen Tomb
- Asphyx
- Assorted Heap
- Assück
- Assumption
- At The Gates
- Ataraxy
- Atheist
- Atomic Witch
- Atramentus
- Atrophy
- Aurora Borealis
- Author & Punisher
- Authorize
- Autopsy
- Autumn Lies Buried
- Avulsed
- Azazel
- Bad Religion
- Baest
- Bafomet
- Bal-Sagoth
- Banished
- Baphomet
- Barbatos
- Baroness
- Bastard Grave
- Bat
- Be'lakor
- Bear Mace
- Beaten To Death
- Becerus
- Bedsore
- Behemoth
- Behexen
- Belial
- Belphegor
- Belsebub
- Belzebubs
- Benediction
- Bethlehem
- Bewitcher
- Beyond Creation
- Bio-Cancer
- Black Anvil
- Black Earth
- Black Lava
- Black Royal
- Black Sabbath
- Black Tusk
- Blackbraid
- Blacklist
- Blasphemy
- Blasphereion
- Blodhemn
- Blood Feast
- Blood From The Soul
- Blood Incantation
- Blood Red Throne
- Blood
- Bloodbath
- Bloodrust
- Blut Aus Nord
- Bluuurgh...
- Bodybox
- Bonded By Blood
- Bone Marrow
- Bonestorm
- Bonginator
- Borknagar
- Brat
- Brave The Cold
- Brocas Helm
- Brojob
- Broken Hope
- Brujeria
- Brutality
- Bulldozer
- Burial Invocation
- Burial
- Butcher
- Cadaver
- Cadaveric Incubator
- Caligula's Horse
- Cancer Christ
- Cancer
- Candlemass
- Cannabis Corpse
- Cannibal Corpse
- Captor
- Carach Angren
- Carbonized
- Carcass
- Cardiac Arrest
- Carnage
- Carnal Savagery
- Carnal Tomb
- Carnation
- Carpathian Forest
- Casket Huffer
- Castle Rat
- Castrator
- Catacomb
- Catastrophic
- Cathartic
- Cattle Decapitation
- Cauldron Black Ram
- Cave In
- Celestial Sanctuary
- Celestial Season
- Celtic Frost
- Cemetary
- Centinex
- Cerebral Rot
- Ceremonium
- Chainsword
- Chaotian
- Chthe'Ilist
- Chthonic
- Cianide
- Cirith Ungol
- Civerous
- Cleric
- Cliff Burton
- Cloak
- Cloven Hoof
- Coal Chamber
- Coexistence
- Coffin Feeder
- Coffin Mulch
- Coffin Rot
- Comecon
- Conan
- Confessor
- Construct Of Lethe
- Contrarian
- Control Denied
- Converge
- Convocation
- Convulse
- Corpse Pile
- Corpsefucking Art
- Corpsessed
- Corpus Offal
- Cosmic Putrefaction
- Couch Slut
- Coven Japan
- Cradle Of Filth
- Craft
- Craven Idol
- Crawl
- Creeping Death
- Creepmime
- Crematory
- Cretin
- Criminal
- Crimson Moon
- Cruciamentum
- Crypt Crawler
- Crypt of Kerberos
- Crypt Sermon
- Crypta
- Cryptic Brood
- Cryptic Shift
- Cryptic Slaughter
- Cryptopsy
- Crypts of Despair
- Cryptum
- Cryptworm
- Crystal Age
- Crystal Viper
- Cynic
- Cypress Hill
- D.R.I.
- Damnation's Hammer
- Dark Fortress
- Dark Funeral
- Dark Half
- Dark Millennium
- Dark Tranquillity
- Darkane
- Darkened
- Darkest Hour
- Darkified
- Darkthrone
- Dawn Of Demise
- Dawn
- Dead Head
- Dead Horse
- Deadguy
- Deadspeak
- Death File Red
- Death Strike
- Death Vomit
- Death
- Deathevokation
- Deathhammer
- Deathless Void
- Decapitated
- Decaying Purity
- Deceased
- Decrepid
- Deeds Of Flesh
- Def Leppard
- Defeated Sanity
- Defecation
- Defiance
- Defleshed
- Dehuman Reign
- Dehumanized
- Deicide
- Dekapitator
- Demented Ted
- Demigod
- Demilich
- Demonical
- DemonSlaught 666
- Den Saakaldte
- Depravity (Australia)
- Depravity (Finland)
- Depressive Witches
- Deranged
- Derkéta
- Desaster
- Desecrator
- Desecravity
- Desecresy
- Desolator
- Despised Icon
- Desultory
- Deteriorate
- Deteriorot
- Detest
- Detherous
- Devastator
- Devildriver
- Devin Townsend
- Devoid Of Thought
- Devourment
- Dew-Scented
- Diabolical Masquerade
- Diabolical
- Dieth
- Dim Mak
- Dio
- Discharge
- Disembowelment
- Disentomb
- Disgorge
- Disgrace
- Disharmonic Orchestra
- Disincarnate
- Disinter
- Dismember
- Dismemberment
- Disrupted
- Dissect
- Dissection
- Divine Heresy
- Djevelkult
- Draconian
- Draghkar
- Drawn and Quartered
- Dreadful Fate
- Dreadnought
- Dream Evil
- Dream Unending
- Dripping Decay
- Druid Lord
- Dying Fetus
- Dying Remains
- Earthburner
- Ectoplasma
- Edge Of Sanity
- Egypt
- Ektomorf
- Elbow Deep
- Elder
- Electrocution
- Elixir
- Embalmer
- Embrionic Death
- Encoffinized
- Enforced
- Enforcer
- Engulfed
- Enslaved
- Enterprise Earth
- Entombed A.D.
- Entombed
- Entrails
- Envenomed
- Envig
- Epica
- Epidemic
- Epitaph
- Equinox
- Ershetu
- Eternal
- Eternal Darkness
- Eternal Dirge
- Eternal Rot
- Eternal Solstice
- Ethereal Sin
- Ethereal Shroud
- Eucharist
- Eulogy
- Evil Invaders
- Evilcult
- EvilDead
- Evile
- Evocation
- Excavation
- Exciter
- Excruciate
- Excruciation
- Exempt
- Exhorder
- Exhumation
- Exhumed
- Exit-13
- Exmortus
- Exodus
- Extinction A.D.
- Eyehategod
- F.K.U.
- Facebreaker
- Faceless Burial
- Fallujah
- Fates Warning
- Father Befouled
- Fatso Jetson
- Faust
- Fear Factory
- Feral
- Fester
- Fetal Blood Eagle
- Fetid Zombie
- Fierce Deity
- Fires In The Distance
- Firespawn
- Firewind
- First Fragment
- Fit For An Autopsy
- Fleshcrawl
- Flub
- Fluids
- Foetal Juice
- Forbidden
- Forefather
- Fragments Of Unbecoming
- Friends Of Hell
- Frog Mallet
- Frostvore
- Frozen Soul
- Fueled By Fire
- Fulci
- Funebrarum
- Funebre
- Funeral Leech
- Funeral Storm
- Gaerea
- Gaias Pendulum
- Gallhammer
- Galvanizer
- Gama Bomb
- Gatecreeper
- Gates Of Ishtar
- Gehenna
- Gehennah
- General Surgery
- Ghastly
- Ghost Bath
- Ghost
- Ghoul
- Girlschool
- Glacial Tomb
- Gnosis
- Goatblood
- Goatwhore
- God Dethroned
- God Forsaken
- Godflesh
- Gojira
- Gold Spire
- Golgotha
- Gommorah
- Goratory
- Goreaphobia
- Gorelust
- Gorement
- Gorephilia
- Gorepot
- Gorguts
- Grá
- Graceless
- Grand Cadaver
- Grand Supreme Blood Court
- Grave Desecrator
- Grave
- Gravehuffer
- Gravekult
- Graveripper
- Graveside
- Green Carnation
- Grima
- Grisly
- Grotesque
- Gruesome
- Guns N Roses
- Gurgling Gore
- Gutless
- Gutted
- Guttural Slug
- Hades
- Hail Of Bullets
- Haken
- Hallows Eve
- Harlott
- Hate Eternal
- Hath
- Headhunter DC
- Heads For The Dead
- Heathen
- Heaven Shall Burn
- Heaving Earth
- Hellbastard
- Hellfected
- Hellhammer
- Hellish Crossfire
- Hellripper
- Hellwitch
- Helslave
- Helsott
- Heltekvad
- Hemotoxin
- Herakleion
- Hetsheads
- Hexorcist
- Hexx
- Hideous Divinity
- Hideous Mangleus
- Hieronymus Bosch
- High Command
- Hirax
- Hissing
- Holocausto
- Holycide
- Hooded Menace
- Horror Of Horrors
- Hot Graves
- Hoth
- Houwitser
- Hulder
- Humiliation
- Hyperdontia
- Hyperia
- I Am
- Ice Nine Kills
- Ice War
- Illdisposed
- Immolation
- Immortalis
- Impaled
- Impaler
- Impellitteri
- Imperial Crystalline Entombment
- Imperial Triumphant
- Imperishable
- Impetigo
- Impiety
- Imprecation
- In Aeternum
- In Flames
- In the Company of Serpents
- Inanimate Existence
- Incantation
- Incarceration
- Infernal Execrator
- InfestDead
- Infested
- Infester
- Ingested
- Inherits The Void
- Inhuman Condition
- Iniquity
- Innumerable Forms
- Inoculation
- Insanity
- Insidious Disease
- Insision
- Insomnium
- Interment
- Internal Bleeding
- Internal Suffering
- Into Eternity
- Invocator
- Iotunn
- Iron Maiden
- Jade
- Jag Panzer
- Jarhead Fertilizer
- Jesus Wept
- Job For A Cowboy
- Judas Priest
- Judgement Day
- Jumpin' Jesus
- Jungle Rot
- Kanonenfieber
- Kardashev
- Katatonia
- Killing Addiction
- King Diamond
- King Parrot
- Kiss
- Knife
- Koldbrann
- Kommand
- Kommodus
- Konkhra
- Korpse
- Krallice
- Kreator
- Krisiun
- Kruelty
- Kryptik Mutation
- Kryptos
- Krypts
- Kurnugia
- Laceration
- Lady Beast
- Lair Of the Minotaur
- Lamb Of God
- Lantern
- Latitudes
- Lawnmower Deth
- Left To Die
- Left To Rot
- Legion Of The Damned
- Leipa
- Lemming Project
- Leng Tch'e
- Leprous
- Lich King
- Liers In Wait
- Lillian Axe
- Live Burial
- Lock Up
- Lord Gore
- Lorna Shore
- Loudblast
- Lubricant
- Luciferion
- Lykathea Aflame
- M.O.D.
- Maceration
- Maimed
- Malevolent Creation
- Malicious Onslaught
- Malignancy
- Malignant Altar
- Malignant Aura
- Malokarpatan
- Mammoth Grinder
- Mangled Torsos
- Mantas
- Marduk
- Masacre
- Mass Burial (SP)
- Massacra
- Massacre
- Master
- Mastodon
- Maul
- Mayhem
- Mayhemic
- Mean Mistreater
- Meathook Seed
- Mefisto
- Mega Slaughter
- Megadeth
- Megaton Sword
- Melechesh
- Melted Bodies
- Merauder
- Mercenary
- Mercyful Fate
- Mercyless
- Meshuggah
- Messiah
- Metallica
- Miasma
- Midnight
- Midnight Odyssey
- Military Shadow
- Milking The Goatmachine
- Mindwars
- Ministry
- Miscreance
- Misery Index
- Misery
- Mistweaver
- Mithras
- Molder
- Molested
- Molten
- Monastyr
- Monstrosity
- Monument Of Misanthropy
- Moonlight Sorcery
- Morbid Angel
- Morbid Saint
- Morbific
- Morbosidad
- Mordbrand
- Mordicus
- Morgoth
- Morgue
- Morpheus Descends
- Morpheus
- Morta Skuld
- Mortal Mutilation
- Mortem
- Mortiferum
- Mortuary
- Mortuous
- Mother Of Graves
- Motley Crue
- Motorhead
- Mourning
- Mutagenic Host
- Mutilation Barbecue
- My Dying Bride
- Mystifyer
- Mythic
- Mythos
- Nachtmystium
- Nagasaki Sunrise
- Naglfar
- Nailbomb
- Nailed To Obscruity
- Napalm Death
- Naphobia
- Nasty Surgeons
- Nasum
- Ne Obliviscaris
- Necrocannibal
- Necrofier
- Necromantia
- Necropanther
- Necrophagia
- Necrophiliac
- Necrophobic
- Necrosanct
- Necrot
- Necrotic Mutation
- Necrovore
- Necrowretch
- Nekromantheon
- Nervosa
- Nevermore
- New World Depression
- Night Demon
- Night In Gales
- Nightbearer
- Nightfighter
- Nightingale
- Nightrage
- Nigromancia
- Nihilo
- Nile
- Noctem
- Nocturn
- Nocturnal Breed
- Nocturnal Rites
- Nocturnal Witch
- Nocturnal
- Nocturnus
- Nominon
- Nothingness
- Noxis
- Nuclear Assault
- Nuclear Death
- Nuclear
- Nucleus
- Nunslaughter
- Nyktophobia
- O.L.D
- Obituary
- Obliteration
- Obliveon
- Obscene
- Obscenity
- Obscure Infinity
- Obscure
- October 31
- Of Feather And Bone
- Officium Triste
- Old Man's Child
- Ominous Scriptures
- Omnium Gatherum
- One Man Army And The Undead Quartet
- Onslaught
- Opeth
- Organ Dealer
- Organ Failure
- Organic Infest
- Origin
- Oryx
- Ossuarium
- Osyron
- Outer Heaven
- Outliar
- Outre-Tombe
- Oxygen Destroyer
- Ozzy Kilmeister
- Ozzy Osbourne
- Paganizer
- Pale Divine
- Pallbearer
- Pan.Thy.Monium
- Pandemia
- Pánico Al Miedo
- Pantera
- Panzerchrist
- Paradise Lost
- Paradox
- Paradox Rift
- Paralysis
- Party Cannon
- Patchie
- Paths Of Possession
- Pentacle
- Pentagram
- Perilaxe Occlusion
- Persekutor
- Pessimist
- Pestifer
- Phantasm
- Phantasmagore
- Pharmacist
- Phlebotomized
- Phlegethon
- Phrenelith
- Phthisis
- Pig Destroyer
- Pissrot
- Plague
- Plaguemace
- Polluted Inheritance
- Possessed
- Possessed Entity
- Postmortem
- Power From Hell
- Powerwolf
- Primitive Man
- Primitive Warfare
- Primordial
- Profanatica
- Proscription
- Protector
- Psycho-Frame
- Psycroptic
- Pull The Plug Patches
- Puncture Wound
- Purtenance
- Purulence
- Putrevore
- Putrid Offal
- Putrid Pile
- Pyrexia
- Ragnarok
- Raider
- Rancid
- Rapture
- Ravage
- Raven
- Razor
- Reckless
- Refused
- Relics Of Humanity
- Repuked
- Repulsion
- Restless Spirit
- Restrictor Plate
- Revel In Flesh
- Revocation
- Revolting
- Rhythm of Fear
- Ribspreader
- Righteous Pigs
- Rings Of Saturn
- Ringworm
- Ripped To Shreds
- Rippikoulu
- Ripping Corpse
- Risingfall
- Ritual Fog
- Rob Zombie
- Root
- Rotpit
- Rotten Sound
- Rotting Christ
- Rottrevorre
- Royal Thunder
- Ruby The Hatchet
- Runemagick
- Ruthless
- Sabbat
- Sabire
- Sacramentum
- Sacred Reich
- Sacrifice
- Sadistic Force
- Sadistic Intent
- Sadus
- Saidan
- Salient
- Samael
- Sanctuary
- Sanguisugabogg
- Sarcasm
- Sarcoughagus
- Savage Master
- Scab Hag
- Scar Symmetry
- Scatterbrain
- Scattered Remnants
- Schizophrenia
- Scorched
- Scordatura
- Scorpions
- Screamer
- Scumfuck
- Séance
- Sear Bliss
- Sedimentum
- Seep
- Seizure
- Selbst
- Selvans
- Sempiternal Deathreign
- Sentenced
- Sentient Horror
- Septage
- Sepulchral Curse
- Sepultura
- Seth
- Sextrash
- Shadows Fall
- Shrine Of Eligos
- Shock Withdrawal
- Siberian Meat Grinder
- Sickbay
- Sickening Gore
- Siderean
- Siege Of Power
- Sigh
- Sikth
- Sinister
- Sisters Of Suffocation
- Six Feet Under
- Skeletal Remains
- Skelethal
- Skindred
- Skinless
- Slaughter Messiah
- Slaughter
- Slaughterday
- Slayer
- Slimelord
- Slipknot
- Slug Gore
- Slugathor
- Smoulder
- Snet
- Sol de Sangre
- Solothus
- Solstice
- Sorcery
- Sororicide
- Sorrow
- Sortilege
- Soul Devourment
- Soulreaper
- Soulskinner
- Speed Queen
- Spirit Adrift
- Spiritual Beggars
- Spiritworld
- Stabbing
- Stallion
- StarGazer
- Stöner
- Stormkeep
- Strike Master
- Stuck Mojo
- Succubus
- Suffocation
- Suicide Silence
- Sulphur Aeon
- Swallow The Sun
- Symphony X
- Tableau Mort
- Tankard
- Taproot
- Teeth
- Temple Of Dread
- Temple Of Void
- Teratoma
- Terminal Nation
- Terra Tenebrosa
- Terrifier
- Terror Cross
- Terrorizer
- Tesla
- Thanatos
- Thantifaxath
- The Absence
- The Answer Lies In The Black
- The Black Dahlia Murder
- The Casualties
- The Crown
- The Donner Party
- The Exploited
- The Faceless
- The Grotesquery
- The Halo Effect
- The Haunted
- The Locust
- The Night Eternal
- The Ocean
- The Order of Elijah
- The Red Chord
- The Scalar Process
- The Silver
- The Vintage Caravan
- The Zenith Passage
- Thecodontion
- Them
- Therion
- Thin Lizzy
- This Ending
- Thorium
- Thorn
- Thornspawn
- Thou Art Lord
- Thrasher Wolf
- Thron
- Thronehammer
- Through The Eyes Of The Dead
- Thy Antichrist
- Tiamat
- Till The Dirt
- Timeghoul
- Tómarúm
- Tomb Mold
- Tomb Sentinel
- Tombs
- Tombstoner
- Torchure
- Torn In Half
- Torture Pulse
- Total Death
- Total Fucking Destruction
- Toxaemia
- Toxik
- Traitor
- Transgressor
- Trastorned
- Traumatic Voyage
- Tribal Gaze
- Tribunal
- Tribulation
- Trident
- Triptykon
- Triumph Of Death
- Trivax
- Trivium
- Troops Of Doom
- Truent
- Type O Negative
- Tysondog
- Tzompantli
- Ugly Kid Joe
- Ulver
- Unanimated
- Unaussprechlichen Kulten
- Unbounded Terror
- Undeath
- Undergang
- Unfathomable Ruination
- Unholy Altar
- Unleashed
- Unmerciful
- Unseen Terror
- Unto Others
- Upon Stone
- Urn
- Usurper
- Utumno
- Vader
- Vale Of Pnath
- Vargrav
- Valgrind
- Vastum
- Vehemence
- Venom
- Venomous Concept
- Vermin
- Vermin Womb
- Vexing Hex
- Vicious Blade
- Victims of Internal Decay
- Viking Crown
- Vile Rites
- Vindicator
- Violblast
- Vio-lence
- Viogression
- Visceral Disgorge
- Visigoth
- Vitriol
- Void Rot
- Voidceremony
- Voidfall
- Volbeat
- Vomit Forth
- Vomiting Corpses
- Vomitor
- Vomiturition
- Voracious Scourge
- Vreid
- Vulture Industries
- Vulvodynia
- Wake
- Wallowing
- Warbringer
- Warkings
- Warmoon Lord
- Warp Chamber
- Wayfarer
- Werewolves
- Wharflurch
- White Stones
- White Ward
- Whore Of Bethlehem
- Wicked Innocence
- Wilt (Canada)
- Wilt (Germany)
- Wings
- Winterwolf
- Witch Vomit
- Witchery
- Witchtrap
- Witherfall
- Witherscape
- Within Temptation
- Wolf
- Wolfsbane
- Wolves In The Throne Room
- Wombbath
- Worm
- Wormwitch
- Wraith
- Wretched Fate
- Wretched Inferno
- Writhing
- Wurdulak